电子货架标签:电子墨水屏标签应用-使用环境光供电,The Things Network (TTN)

电子货架标签:电子墨水屏标签应用-使用环境光供电,The Things Network (TTN)

LoraPaper is an E Ink unit that connects to the Internet, displays information, and only requires ambient light to function. The creator is Robert Poser, who is passionate about ePaper displays, and it shows. His self-sufficient node sends and receives information with The Things Network (TTN). It uses the LoRa protocol, which is ideal for devices that need long-range communication while using minimal power.

LoraPaper是一个E Ink电子墨水屏装置,它连接到互联网,显示信息,只需要环境光就可以工作。设计者是罗伯特·波瑟,他对ePaper显示器充满热情。他的自给自足的节点发送和接收信息与The Things Network(T TN)。它使用LoRa协议,这是远程通信/使用最小功率的理想设备。

Poser’s original design used a 1.1-inch screen. However, in time for the recent The Things Conference, he upgraded the screen to a 2.1-inch display. (Sure looks like an option for a low-power badge, doesn’t it?) Other hardware includes a solar panel, an energy harvesting charge controller, a supercapacitor, and an ATmega328P.

Poser的原创设计采用了一块1.1英寸的屏幕。然而,为了赶上最近的“The Things Conference”,他将屏幕升级为2.1英寸的显示屏。(看起来当然是一个低功耗标牌的选择,不是吗?)其他硬件包括太阳能电池板、能量收集电荷控制器、超级电容器和ATmega328P。

Designed for energy harvesting, the AEM10941 controller manages DC power from up to seven solar cells. It can provide regulated voltage supplies while also charging a backup energy storage device, such as a battery or, in LoraPaper’s case, a supercapacitor.


The microcontroller is the same one found in the Arduino Uno and Nano. So, you can program LoraPaper with the Arduino IDE. Regarding power consumption, it was surprising to see the ATmega328P is running with a 16 MHz ceramic resonator. Generally, low-power means a slower clock speed, so it speaks to the low-power nature of the ePaper display and LoRa radio.


The primary example that Poser provides is a low-power weather station display. Remember, its only source for power is ambient light. Check out the LoraPaper GitHub for examples, schematics, and instructions.

Poser提供的主要例子是低功率气象站显示器。记住,它唯一的动力来源是周围的光。查看LoraPaper GitHub以获得示例、示意图和说明。



上一篇 2020年2月5日 下午8:16
下一篇 2020年2月8日 下午8:05


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