Simplify your Check-In with TAG, E Ink Display for Luggage

tag-being-attached-suitcase-silver_870x290.jpgTAG is an exciting digital innovation that promises to improve your journeys. A durable and effective solution that will simplify your airport experience so you can get on with enjoying your time away.

TAG by British Airways

Whether you’re travelling on business or gearing up for a holiday, we’re committed to improving your airport experience. That’s why we’ve invested in new developments like biometric boarding and upgraded lounges to guarantee customers a more streamlined and seamless journey through the airport.

TAG is a reusable digital bag tag that seamlessly connects your luggage to your smartphone. Simply attach your personal TAG to your luggage before bag drop and link it with your BA app to ensure your details travel with your bag on its journey.

Available to pre-order from June 2019, TAG can be used over 3,000 times, making it a valuable time saver for frequent flyers.

TAG doesn’t require you to screw-mount it to your luggage or use adhesive materials. Instead, it works more like a traditional luggage label, meaning you can transfer it to whichever piece of luggage you choose to travel with.

How to use

TAG works with both the iOS and Android mobile apps. To use, simply add your personal TAG device with your BA account using the app, check in for your flight and select the ‘Update TAG’ option. Once the TAG is attached to your bag, you’re ready for a quick visit to bag drop before continuing your journey.

TAG is available to purchase at the introductory price of £63 (plus any applicable local charges).


From October 2019 the standard price will be £80.


上一篇 2019年6月14日 下午6:00
下一篇 2019年6月21日 下午5:53


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