文石Onyx电纸书新品Youngy Boox亮相CES2019,带彩色e-Ink

文石Onyx电纸书新品Youngy Boox亮相CES2019,带彩色e-Ink

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经常听到小伙伴表示对于彩色电子阅读器的期待,尤其是18年Kindle Paperwhite 4发布的前后,


在18年,文石发布了一款全新的10.7英寸彩色电子阅读器——Onyx Youngy Boox,这款阅读器显示色彩的方法在于,

在E Ink Carta HD层的顶部,采用特殊的红色,绿色和蓝色滤色镜;

而因为灰度和滤色器需要显示内容,所以分辨率仅为150 DPI;

Onyx Youngy Boox不被很多人所知的原因在于,这款设备只在教育领域上运用,

Youngy Boox的背面安装有摄像头拍摄家庭作业照片,还有麦克风和立体声扬声器播放讲座。


With tablets being cheaper and offering better color and decent battery life, color-E-ink is a dead duck.

But don’t tell Onyx that; they just showed off a new educational ereader at the Frankfurt Book Fair. Johannes Haupt got up close and personal with the Onyx Youngy Boox, an ereader equipped with a 10.7″ color Carta E-ink screen.

Sporting a resolution of around 150 ppi, this device has a camera of unknown resolution, a stylus, and what looks like an electromagnetic touchscreen (I don’t think we see them using their fingers). It runs academic software and is only available in China.

That is a shame, because this would be a great device to see.

FYI: The reason this device has a screen resolution of 150ppi has to do with how it gets its color. This is actually a 300 ppi grayscale Carta E-ink screen with an RGBC filter applied on top. The filter  adds red, green, or blue on top of a pixel on the E-ink screen (the C is for “clear”). The filter requires 4 pixels on the grayscale screen underneath to give you a single pixel on top This reduces the resolution to 150 ppi.

The Onyx Boox, which is an international company dedicated to E-ink products for over 10 years, participated in the event CES 2019 and let’s see what amazing products we could see this year.

CES (Consumer Electronics Show), which is an annual trade show organized by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), was held on January 8 – 11, 2019 in Las Vegas, United State. The event typically hosts presentations of new products and technologies in the consumer electronics industry. It has served as the proving ground for innovators and breakthrough technologies for over 50 years. What is interesting is, during the event in 2019, the tech stocks rebounded sharply which meant that the development of technologies strongly drove the investors’ confidence. The CES provided a window into what the world would look like in the future.

In CES 2019, over 4,400 well-known consumer tech companies like Google, Intel, LG, Samsung, Sony, Philips, Nikon, Huawei and many others attended the event and demonstrated their latest anticipated tech. During the exhibition, substantial amazing products and interesting stories could be found easily here and there. It is obvious that the IoT, Artificial Intelligence, 5G, smart city, healthy tech and screen innovation will be the tech trend of 2019.

Before the year 2019, Boox had already commenced its strategy following the trends . Since the electronics has been developing rapidly, the corresponding eye problems keep raising substantially in recent years. Folks spend a long time reading frequently on a blue light screen, which absolutely caused a serious eye strain. For achieving the goal of making a harmless electronics used for reading, Boox focused on making E-ink Reader from 10 years ago. For now Boox has developed many models that earn considerable reputation in the eReader industries. The E-ink is the best ambient-light-reflecting display technology in the world. Unlike the LCD screen light directly shining into eyes, it drives ink droplets in microcapsules by voltage to make natural, clear images on the screen, illuminated by light in the environment rather than a backlight, just like real ink on paper. In another word, an eReaders is absolutely the ideal device for reading and even writing.

When it comes to the E-ink technology, the Advanced Color ePaper (ACeP), which features a high-quality full-color reflective display, must be the next talk after it was first unveiled. With this tech, E-ink devices are capable of displaying content in vivid colors that people are eager for the possibilities of comics, magazines, and textbooks in color on eReaders. However, the tech has never been widely adopted as it is still in progress. Boox had ever shown off a 10.7-inch eReader Youngy Boox with a color E Ink screen that was designed specifically to use as part of a pilot program for schools. That was a huge step toward the screen innovation of E-ink.

文石Onyx电纸书新品Youngy Boox亮相CES2019,带彩色e-Ink

As for the aspect of smart transportation, Boox put its sight on the driving navigation a few years ago. One of the Boox projects is called Carloudy, which is an utra-portable smart head-up display system that projects all the useful information directly onto windshields. Frankly, the system adopts E-ink technology so well that drivers are able to read the navigation information no matter under sunlight and at night. Through voice commands, drivers interact with Carloudy through their smartphones.

In addition, the trend of IoT also seemed overwhelming with the clap at CES. The Internet and network-centric computing have laid a firm foundation with e-learning and stretched traditional learning ways through electronic and web technologies into new dynamic learning approach. Boox developed an electronic education system specifically for schools and universities. The system applies a mass of textbooks of different subjects integrated into a device that students do not have to bear a heavy school bag every day. The students can update their learning materials, finish homework, and do a reading on the device anytime and anywhere through the network. Though the system, lecturers would have a better interaction with students in a fast and simple way.

As the CES 2019 bloomed, a lot of impressive products were showcased with extreme creativity and visitors found that the science technology was so powerful beyond people’s imagination. But it was apparent that Boox hopefully predicted the possibilities of the healthy tech, screen innovation, the smart city, and IoT. From a standpoint to clear about what is around the corner in industries, catching up the tech trend with enterprise strategy is the key staying competitive in the digital market. Be ready to hunt for the next trend!

For more information about Onyx Boox, please visit:

Official Website: www.boox.com/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/boox.fans/

Twitter: twitter.com/onyxboox

Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/OnyxBoox

Instagram: www.instagram.com/onyx_boox/

Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/4109693?tdsourcetag=s_pcqq_aiomsg&from=timeline#ixzz5cpFSKNap







上一篇 2019年1月14日 下午12:02
下一篇 2019年1月18日 下午6:22


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