10.3″ InkBook Infinity eReader and Notepad Coming Soon

InkBook Infinity

There’s another new ereader and digital notepad with a 10.3-inch E Ink screen coming to the market soon called the InkBook Infinity.

This is the third new InkBook revealed in the past couple of months to go along with the 6-inch InkBook Lumos and 7.8-inch InkBook Explore.

The InkBook Infinity is expected to be available on Kickstarter soon.

They have a webpage where you can signup to be notified and get 30% off with an early bird deal. There’s no word on pricing yet, however.

Even though the device appears to be made by Boyue like other InkBooks, it has a different design than the 10.3-inch LikeBook Notethat was recently released, and the specs are slightly different.

It has a single-core processor and 1GB of RAM, with 8GB of storage space and a microSD card slot for cards up to 32GB. It has a USB-C port, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a 3000 mAh battery. The 10.3-inch E Ink screen has 227 ppi and it supports both capacitive and stylus touch.

The InkBook Infinity runs Android 4.4.2 and is open to install apps. The built in reading app supports ePub, PDF, CBZ, MOBI, TXT, FB2, HTML, and RTF formats.

They don’t mention it specifically but it clearly has a frontlight in the video and pictures.

Here’s a short teaser video that was posted on YouTube.



上一篇 2018年8月18日 上午10:28
下一篇 2018年8月20日 下午12:03


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