Better Paper. Better Thinking.

Today we announce the reMarkable paper tablet. A Tablet for Reading, Writing and Sketching. An Elegant Tool for Thinking in the Digital Age, for Those Who Cherish the Simplicity and Power of Working on Paper.

Better Paper. Better Thinking.

We’re proud to introduce you to reMarkable, a breakthrough paper tablet for thinkers, readers, note takers, doodlers, idea people — for those of you who, like us, love the uninterrupted freedom from digital distraction that paper provides.

Today’s world is a frenzied place of ever-evolving technology that increasingly demands more and more of our time and attention. We are bombarded by a continuous flow of communication, reminders, tweets, emails, texts, and headlines, make it nearly impossible to focus or concentrate for any length of time. From dialling to searching to reminders to directions on a map, digital devices with their artificial intelligence are doing more, and so we’re thinking less.

Paper is different. It is the ultimate tool for thinking. It allows us to read, to write, and to sketch without distractions. It helps us focus and concentrate. But paper has its limitations. It is disconnected from the digital world, so we use it less. Paper is also difficult to organize and impossible to share. It clutters our desk and is environmentally unfriendly.

We at reMarkable, in close collaboration with E Ink, the world’s leading innovator of electronic ink technology, have spent the last three years developing and perfecting a breakthrough digital paper tablet that delivers the experience of real paper, and yet, is still connected to the digital world. We call it reMarkable, a high-precision, disruption-free device that replaces traditional notepads, sketch pads and printed documents.

Better Paper. Better Thinking.

reMarkable’s 10.3” display is designed for reading, writing and sketching without interruptions, letting your thoughts and ideas flow freely. Other companies have tried to create paper tablets; but none solved what the industry has coined as ‘slow ink’, or high latency. Ultra-low latency is imperative for making handwriting and sketching possible. With our breakthrough proprietary technology known as the CANVAS display, reMarkable delivers a record-breaking low 55ms latency, pen-on-paper experience that is nothing short of extraordinary.

Better Paper. Better Thinking.

Unlike traditional paper, reMarkable connects to the digital world when you need it to. Your thoughts, whether they’re words or sketches, are instantly synced to reMarkable’s cloud service and made available on all your devices. Documents and ebooks are easily transferred for reading and reviewing with pen in hand. reMarkable connects to the internet for easy sharing and collaboration across devices. You can even take notes on one device and have it appear on a second device, in real time.


While reMarkable isn’t available in retail yet, we are kicking off a pre-order campaign today. Everyone who pre-orders will receive a limited first edition reMarkable at the discounted price of $379, and they will be placed at the head of the queue when the product ships in summer 2017. The reMarkable pre-order includes pen, case (folio) and shipping.

We look forward to sharing more information as we progress toward our consumer launch. In the meantime, feel free to follow us here onMedium,or on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. And if you are curious on the reMarkable paper tablet, please visit our site

The reMarkable team

A Norwegian hardware start-up company has unveiled plans to launch a new digital paper tablet called reMarkable that attempts to bring the look and feel of paper to a tablet-like device.

The reMarkable tablet combines a 10.3-inch E Ink Carta screen with a new type of screen technology called Canvas that claims to be the most paper-like and fastest digital paper around.

After watching the video it does indeed look like a very promising product.

But it’s not the first device of its kind. Others have failed with similar concepts. In some ways it’s a lot like the Sony DPT-S1, which was recently discontinued.

The success of the reMarkable tablet is all going to come down to the execution of the software and hardware.

The biggest advantage it has over similar products is how easy and natural writing appears to be in the video. It can be used for handwritten notes and accurate sketches.

The device also doubles as a giant ereader and can load PDFs and ePub ebooks wirelessly.

As far as specs, it has a 10.3-inch 1872 x 1404 resolution screen, which equates to 226 dpi. The screen is partially powered by E Ink Carta technology and it is “virtually unbreakable”.

It has a capacitive touchscreen and the stylus pen supports 2048 levels of pressure sensitivity.

The device has 8GB of internal storage space, with no mention of expandable storage. It has WiFi and the usual 1GHz CPU with 512MB of RAM.

The dimensions are 177 x 256 x 6.7mm ( 6.9 x 10.1 x .26 inches) and it weighs only 350 grams.

It has a custom Linux-based OS optimized for low-latency epaper.

Pre-orders are currently available for $379, but the product isn’t expected to start shipping until August 2017, and when’s the last time you heard of a brand new product actually launching on time…

The regular price of the reMarkable tablet is listed at $529; the pre-order price includes a bundle package with a pen and folio cover, which cost $79 each.



上一篇 2016年11月25日 下午7:11
下一篇 2016年12月15日 下午9:23


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