E-Ink tablet for Reading & Writing (KloudNote)

KloudNote is a professional e ink notepad and e-book reader. This electronic notepad with stylus combines the simplicity and comfort of reading and writing in real paper with the ease of access of digital notes. KloudNote is how we learned to be productive in school and is how our minds enter a creative space that is free from distraction. KloudNote e ink android tablet can visit the past notes and the e-book you have browsed at any time and any space. Our e ink notebook KloudNote can satify business peoples, student, teachers, editors, etc all the needs and experiences of note taking and reading.

No More Notebooks and No More Sticky Notes

E ink notebook can record different content (handwritten text, pictures, audio recording, etc.), timely and fast record the content you need.
At the same time, this digital notebook tablet can also meet the design needs of most engineers, editors, composers and other practitioners.

A Smooth Handwriting Experience

Use Wacom electromagnetic stylus, this e ink tablet with stylus supports 4096 level pressure sense, no need to charge, pen smart and smooth, can reproduce the handwriting track. The writing effect is almost the same as the paper.

Glare-Free Screen

The screen of the e ink notepad is entirely glare-free in direct sunlight, just like paper. Not only is it easy-on-the-eyes and a pleasure to look at, but it is also suited for long periods of usage, preventing eyestrain. Look forward to meetings or work sessions under bright lights, near windows, and outdoors, with text displayed in high definition 1440×1080 pixels.

1.jpg E-Ink tablet for Reading & Writing (KloudNote)  电子墨水 电子纸 电子墨水屏 EINK 墨水屏 eink 水墨屏 川奇光电 元太科技 元太 手写 KloudNote & 第1张

2.jpg E-Ink tablet for Reading & Writing (KloudNote)  电子墨水 电子纸 电子墨水屏 EINK 墨水屏 eink 水墨屏 川奇光电 元太科技 元太 手写 KloudNote & 第2张


上一篇 2022年10月1日 下午4:10
下一篇 2022年10月5日 上午9:57


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