Mudita’s Pure Phone:

A minimalist phone designed to enhance the user’s well-being.

Warsaw-based Mudita is a new kind of tech company that aims to re-imagine our relationship with our gadgets. The brand has launched a collection of minimalist products that focus on improving the users’ well-being instead of keeping them constantly connected. Apart from the Harmony alarm clock that provides a range of ways to customize bedtime routines and meditation sessions, Mudita has also designed a different kind of phone. Named Pure, this phone offers only essential features in a clean design. It has an easy to read E Ink display with a resolution of 600×480, PPI of 270, and support of 16-grayscale for a paper-like look. Furthermore, the screen doesn’t emit blue light, which inhibits the users’ natural circadian rhythm and may affect sleeping patterns.

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Mudita’s Pure Phone:

Pure also has an ultra-low SAR value thanks to an in-house developed system that shields the antenna. Apart from offering a simple way to make calls and receive texts, the phone has a high-quality Harman speaker and a headphone jack plug as well as Bluetooth connectivity. The MuditaOS is conveniently open-source and specially made to enhance the phone’s power efficiency and smooth operation. In that note, Pure also comes with a durable, replaceable battery. Other features include a USB-C cable that converts the phone into a data modem and a meditation timer. Finally, the Mudita Pure is made with a conscious production approach, with parts sourced locally wherever possible. You can find Pure in Charcoal Black and Pebble Gray in the brand’s online store; both versions cost $369.99. Photographs © Mudita.

Mudita’s Pure Phone:

Mudita’s Pure Phone:

Mudita’s Pure Phone:

Mudita’s Pure Phone:

Mudita’s Pure Phone:


上一篇 2022年7月12日 上午1:26
下一篇 2022年7月12日 下午1:56


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