Nanov introduces solar powered E Ink system to display bus transit and other info

Nanov introduces solar powered E Ink system to display bus transit and other info

Residents of New York City can look forward to the new E-Paper road signage system introduced by Nanov. As the website RavePubs mentioned, the solar powered e-paper displays use dual 13.3-inch E Ink panels that are programmed to show a multitude of information which includes bus transit information or the local map to help commuters make their way in the region.

The E Ink panels are perfect for outdoor road signage given their excellent readability even in direct sunlight conditions as well as frugal energy requirements. The latter aspect has been further enhanced by the use of solar power which makes the display have an almost unlimited run time. Nanov said they have used dual 13.3-inch solar panels capable of generating 75 watts of power within three hours. The power gets stored in a Li-Ion battery pack which feeds the entire system comprising of the E Ink panels, LTE Modem, the Real Time Passenger Information System, and LED lights that illuminate the display to make it readable at night.

Nanov said they have used optical boding tech to bind the E Ink panel with an external enclosure to make the display immune to vagaries of nature as well as other damaging forces, both natural or otherwise. This applies to the LED lighting as well which too has been optically bonded to the display to aid in night vision. Further, with an average energy consumption of 25 watts per day, the system can last up to three days without the sun, which is important to make the system remain operational even during the harsh winter weather that the region regularly faces.

There is an on-board heating system as well that is designed to come into operation on its own once the ambient temperature drops to below minus 25 degrees centigrade. Further, there is little processing that takes place at the site of the EPD, with the majority of it taking place in the cloud. The system is designed to display bus arrival and departure times in real time, or any other relevant information. That includes saved bus transit information or alert notifications for low power, internet connectivity issues, system malfunctions, extreme heat or freezing conditions, and so on.


上一篇 2022年7月7日 上午9:38
下一篇 2022年7月7日 下午4:28


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