Onyx Boox Nova Air C, a Competitive Colorful Addition to the Primarily Monochrome E Ink Industry Re

Onyx Boox Nova Air C, a Competitive Colorful Addition to the Primarily Monochrome E Ink Industry Re

Onyx recently released their Boox Nova Air C, a new 7.8″ color E Ink ePaper tablet added to their all-around product lines and packed with many exciting features.

Equipped with the state-of-the-art On-cell Kaleido Plus screen to display a large number of 4,096 colors, this premium eReader has an advanced 8-core CPU and 3GB+32GB storage, in addition to 5GB free cloud storage when signed in. Its latest firmware is backed by the Android 11.0 OS, enabling a massive selection of third-party apps to be installed, from Google Drive, Google Docs, Microsoft Office to the biggest eReader platforms including Kindle, Kobo, Libby and more.

Onyx Boox Nova Air C, a Competitive Colorful Addition to the Primarily Monochrome E Ink Industry Re 电子墨水 电子纸 电子墨水屏 EINK 墨水屏 eink 水墨屏 7.8″ color ePaper tablet BOOX 7.8彩色 第2张

Approved by the TÜV Paper Like Display Certification, the Kaleido Plus screen provides a colorful and playful display with the highest Paper Similarity Index (PSI) of all comparable products on the market to offer an excellent color performance when in use. The dual color temperature front light is ideal when the ambient light is insufficient, providing 30% more color contrast and 15% more color saturation compared to the last-gen technology. It guarantees an eye-friendly reading experience for outdoor use and free from eyestrains, either during the day or at night.

Compatible with almost all popular formats of ebooks such as PDF, ePub, DjVu and Mobi, the Nova Air C can be your mobile library with access to all your files within just one tap. It is also suitable for kids to enjoy adventurous stories or comics with the colorful display. What’s more, the gravity sensor can be enabled to automatically rotate the orientation of the device.

Onyx Boox Nova Air C, a Competitive Colorful Addition to the Primarily Monochrome E Ink Industry Re 电子墨水 电子纸 电子墨水屏 EINK 墨水屏 eink 水墨屏 7.8″ color ePaper tablet BOOX 7.8彩色 第3张

The included Pen Plus stylus gives you an ultra-smooth paper-like writing experience full of vibrant colors, either for simple mark-ups on your eBooks, note-taking, or vivid illustration of your ideas and inspirations. Designed to boost your working performance, the Nova Air C is a helpful visualization gadget with easy screen-sharing functions for your virtual meeting or brainstorming.

Compact and portable, it is the go-to productivity tool you can carry around anytime anywhere as your best work companion. Besides the Pen Plus stylus, the complimentary accessories also include the USB-C Cable for charge and data transfer.


上一篇 2022年7月1日 下午1:12
下一篇 2022年7月2日 上午9:59


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