First look at the iFLYTEK AINOTE Air Pro

First look at the iFLYTEK AINOTE Air Pro

The AINOTE Air is iFLYTEK’s most advanced tablet yet. The AINOTE Air boasts 98% speech recognition accuracy up to 400 words per minute for a single speaker, 95% when tracking multiple speakers, and 96% for recognition of mixed Chinese and English speech. It has state-of-the-Art Speech Recognition: The AINOTE Air supports 23 Chinese dialects and 60 languages using real-time language editing and modification, machine translation, and speech synthesis. It also has automatic meeting minutes generation tool and recordings management technology. You can buy it from the Good e-Reader Store for $549.99.

This e-note features a 7.8-inch E Ink screen with a resolution of 1404×1872 with 300ppi high-definition display and fingerprint unlocking. It has a WACOM screen and comes with a free stylus. There are 24 LED lights for a front-lit display to read at night. Smart notes function with voice search capability and point-in-time playback features. Ability to scan printed documents for sharing and markup. Advanced microphone array and radar map working to provide a transcription service that is more accurate than any prior model. Background noise reduction for accurate speech recognition and 16 industry-specific thesauruses for on- and off-line use by workers.

Underneath the hood is 1.8 GHZ quadcore processor, 2GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. There is a USB-C port to charge and transfer books in EPUB, PDF, MOBI TXT. It has WIFI 4.2 and a 5MP camera to take pictures of documents and will be imported into the notes app. It is powered by a 2300 mAh battery and is running Google Android 11. You can install your own apps, which is useful.

The AINOTE Air Pro looks good on paper, but there is no English support. It is only in Chinese and to unlock most of the functionality, you need a mainland Chinese phone number for a verification code. So this might be a dud for most of the world, however if you live and work in China, it is one of the best products out there for note taking from a company that has been making e-notes and e-readers for a decade.


上一篇 2022年6月28日 下午3:08
下一篇 2022年6月28日 下午5:46


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