Reviver™ Announces Official Launch of Digital License Plates in Texas for Commercial Fleet Vehicles

Reviver™ Announces Official Launch of Digital License Plates in Texas for Commercial Fleet Vehicles 电子墨水 电子纸 电子墨水屏 EINK 墨水屏 eink 水墨屏 智慧墨水屏车牌 墨水屏车牌 电子纸车牌 可变图案车牌 电子纸车牌试点 第1张

Texas becomes latest state authorizing road use of digital license plate technology; Reviver RFleet product now available to TX commercial vehicle owners

AUSTIN, TX – June 14, 2022 – Reviver, a technology company and developer of the digital license plate, announced that it has launched its suite of products for sale to commercial vehicle owners in the state of Texas. Commercial businesses in Texas can access a growing number of personalization, convenience, and security features delivered via the digital plate. Legislative approval and close collaboration with the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) paved the way for this product launch. Reviver’s digital license plates are approved for use on commercial vehicles in Texas and legal to drive throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Commercial fleet businesses access digital license plates via RFleet, which combines the RPlate, a tamper-proof digital license plate device with integrated telematics capabilities, along with the RFleet Software Dashboard. RFleet offers a suite of features tailored to businesses managing vehicle fleets, including automated vehicle registration and compliance, as well as a robust set of telematics and safety features. RFleet is the only fully-digital registration renewal solution on the market. It eliminates physical tags and stickers and enables fleet managers to conduct centralized vehicle registration renewal of their entire fleet. Not all of these services are yet fully available in Texas.

“We are very excited to make digital license plates available for commercial vehicles in Texas,” said CJ Meurell, Reviver Executive VP of Sales. “Vehicle fleets are one of the biggest capital investments that many companies make, and they are notoriously difficult and time-consuming to manage. We believe digital license plates can play an important role in providing solutions for businesses.”

“The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles is committed to providing Texas commercial fleets high levels of customer service,” said TxDMV Director of Vehicle Titles and Registration, Roland Luna, Sr. “Working with Reviver to implement digital license plate offerings for commercial fleets is just one way we are helping Texas companies navigate today’s technically competitive landscape.”

Additional RFleet features include integrated telematics, which provides real-time vehicle tracking, geofencing, trip logging, speeding alerts and more. RFleet offers unique safety alert features, including STOLEN Mode with GPS tracking and the ability to report a vehicle stolen through the dashboard. Further, the interface integrates seamlessly with existing fleet management systems, such as enterprise telematics systems, allowing easy integration of RFleet’s best-in-class fleet compliance features.

For more information visit or view the RFleet introduction video.


Reviver™ is a technology company on a mission to modernize the driving experience. As developer of the world’s first digital license plate platform, Reviver products transform the license plate into a connected vehicle platform, enabling consumers and commercial businesses to digitize vehicle registration renewals and experience a growing set of personalization, convenience, and safety features, all managed through a mobile or web app interface. Reviver’s digital license plates are legal for sale in Arizona, California, and Michigan, along with Texas for commercial fleet vehicles. Ten additional states are in various stages of adoption. Founded in 2009, Reviver is headquartered in Northern California. For more information, visit


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