New Onyx update has improved page-turn speed on the Kindle app

New Onyx update has improved page-turn speed on the Kindle app

Onyx has just released a new firmware update for most of their modern e-readers and e-notes that are running Android 11. This includes the Nova Air C, Nova Air 2 Plus, Note Air 2 and a couple of other models. The 3.2.3 version has a few compelling features, such as improved page-turn speed for the Amazon Kindle app. There is also an improved picture display effect in Neoreader. The company has also improved black text, making it darker, fixed overlapping problems with PDF text and made some improvements for the color model.

Onyx tends to push out firmware updates quickly. So if you have one of the models outlined in this article, you can go to the settings menu and search for a firmware update. They have not updated their website with the new version number, nor are providing direct download links so people can manually update it themselves. They tend to wait a couple of weeks before doing it.

Here is the full change log.

  1. Optimize the display of 3rd party apps in speed and A2 mode. This includes WP Office and Kindle.
  2. Onyx has removed all page-turn animations in the Kindle app for all speed modes.
  3. Optimize some functions of the input method such as automatic addition of spaces, symbols etc.
  4. Fix the problem that pop-up windows where causing, where you can’t turn pages.
  5. Optimize the interface
  6. Optimize the picture-display effect of Neoreader.
  7. Optimize the display effect of dark color enhancement on dark text.
  8. Fix problems where some book formats can’t be opened.
  9. Fixed the refresh problem with color e-readers.
  10. Optimize the text of the toolbar.
  11. Fixed some problems with brushes and strokes not rendering properly.
  12. Enhancements to AI recognition and sharing.
  13. Removed folder lock option.


上一篇 2022年6月24日 下午3:39
下一篇 2022年6月25日 上午8:27


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