First look at the Xiaomi InkPalm Plus e-reader

First look at the Xiaomi InkPalm Plus e-reader

The Xiaomi InkPalm Plus 3rd Generation is a very portable ebook reader. It has a 5.84-inch screen and is powered by the Rockchip RK3566 processor. The new eBook reader has a 2:1 aspect ratio and a front-lit E-ink display for optimal reading. What makes this model so exciting is English! This is the first Xiaomi InkPalm model that is not entirely in Chinese. Users can also sideload in their own Android apps or alternative app stores. You can buy this from the Good e-Reader Store for $239.99.

The InkPalm Plus has a 5.84-inch E INK Carta HD touchscreen display with a resolution of 1440×720 with 212 PPI. The screen is flush with the bezel, protected by a layer of glass. The volume buttons on the side double as page turn buttons when using the stock reading app. You will be able to read in the dark via the front-lit display and color temperature system and they both have 24 levels of brightness.

This new model has a revised design, it is way bigger than the InkPalm mini 2nd generation that came out last year. The back plate is this nice sunset orange and has some gradients. The sides have this nice gunmetal silver aluminum finish. The front is black, which helps extenuate the grey e-paper screen.

Underneath the hood is a  Rockchip RK3566 processor with 2GB of RAM and 64GB of internal storage. The InkPalm Plus supports Bluetooth 5.0 and Wi-Fi 5 connectivity. You can charge the device with the USB-C cable and also sideload in your own books. It supports EPUB, TXT and PDF. The Xiaomi InkPalm Plus ereader offers up to 30 days of battery life from its 2,200mAh battery. The battery is charged to 100% within 2.5 hours using a 5V charger. It weighs a paltry 0.14kg.

The retail packaging is sunset orange, which really makes it standout in store shelves. Inside the box is a black USB-C cable, warranty information and a QuickStart guide.


上一篇 2022年6月13日 上午12:00
下一篇 2022年6月13日 下午6:59


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